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(自分用) Apache Spark QUIZ 1

Q1. In spark-shell, How to specify multiple dependencies using --packages for spark-submit?
(spark-shell において、複数の依存パッケージをロードするには、--packages でどのように指定すれば良いか ?)

Q2. What is this warning meaning in spark streaming?
(spark-streaming においてこの warning は何を意味するか ?)

replicated to only 0 peer(s) instead of 1 peers

Q3. What is this warning meaning in spark ?
(spark においてこの warning は何を意味するか ?)

Initial job has not accepted any resources; check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered and have sufficient resources

Q4. What is "window length" and "slide interval" in spark-streaming?
(spark-streaming におけるウインドウ集計で、「ウインドウ幅」と「スライド幅」それぞれの意味は ?)

Q5. How to create pair-RDD(key, value) ?
(ペア RDD をどのように作成するか?)

val pairRdd = rdd.??? { r => {
(r, 1)

Q6. What is the final response ?
(以下のコマンドの最終レスポンスは ?)

scala> rdd.collect
res1: Array[String] = Array(a, b, c, b)

scala> rdd.map { r => {
     | if (r != "b")(r,1)
     | }}.collect
res2: Array[Any] = ???

Q7. How to save as text from RDD ?

Q8. What is the final response ?
(以下のコマンドの最終レスポンスは ?)

scala> rdd.collect
res1: Array[String] = Array(a, b, c, b)

scala> rdd.map { r => {
     | if (r != "b")(r,1)
     | else null
     | }}.collect
res2: Array[(String, Int)] = ???

Q9. What is the final response ?
(以下のコマンドの最終レスポンスは ?)

scala> pairRdd.collect
res1: Array[(String, Int)] = Array((a,1), (b,1), (c,1), (b,1))

scala> pairRdd.reduceByKey((x,y) => x+y).collect
res1: Array[(String, Int)] = ???

Q10. What are these commands meaning in spark-streaming ?
(spark-streaming におけるこれらのコマンドの意味は ?)


A1. A list of packages should be separated using commas without whitespaces

--packages org.apache.bahir:spark-streaming-twitter_2.11:2.3.2,com.atilika.kuromoji:kuromoji-ipadic:0.9.0

A2. The warning in this case means that incoming data from stream are not replicated at all. The reason for that may be that you run the app with just one instance of Spark worker or running in local mode.
(このケースではデータのレプリカが作成されていない警告であると考えられる。Spark の Worker のインスタンスが1つだけしか起動していない場合に発生しうる)

A3. The error indicates that you cluster has insufficient resources for current job.Since you have not started the slaves i.e worker.
(Worker のインスタンスが存在していないため、そのジョブが開始できないことを意味していると考えられる)

A4. window length means "Scope of one window aggregation", slide interval means "Time difference until the next window tabulation starts".


val pairRdd = rdd.map { r => {
(r, 1)


res2: Array[Any] = Array((a,1), (), (c,1), ())



※part-xxxx というファイル名で保存される


res2: Array[(String, Int)] = Array((a,1), null, (c,1), null)


res1: Array[(String, Int)] = Array((b,2), (a,1), (c,1))

>Starts streaming calculation.

>Waits till closed context or thrown exception.